Maximo Manage

October 5, 2021


This is part 3 in our 3 part series providing step by step instructions to install and deploy IBM Maximo Manage for MAS. In this final installment we will be deploying and configuring Maximo Manage for MAS.

In this series we provide detailed instructions to install and deploy IBM Maximo Manage for MAS. To make the process more approachable and make sure each step is demystified, we have broken down the installation into three sections.

  1. Installing the OpenShift infrastructure (OKD)
  2. Deploying the supporting services: Behavior Analytics Service (BAS), Suite Licensing Services (SLS) and MongoDB
  3. Deploy and configure MAS and Maximo Manage

For our examples, we are using DigitalOcean ( as our cloud provider. They are a cost-effective alternative to AWS, Azure, or GCP and have been very supportive of our efforts deploying Maximo in their environment.

We are also using OKD (, which is the community edition of OpenShift. While OKD provides a fully functioning OpenShift instance, it does not come with the same support levels as the commercial OpenShift product from IBM and may not be appropriate for production deployments.

In step 5 of Part 1, we cloned the Sharptree scripts repository from GitHub. The scripts have been updated to support Part 3. If you had previously cloned the repository, make sure to pull the latest version by navigating to your local copy and running the command below.

git pull

Updated May 9th, 2022 Updated with Manage version 8.2.2 screenshot and version note.

Part 3 - Deploy and configure MAS and Maximo Manage

In the second part of our series we installed the prerequisites and dependencies for deploying Maximo Manage, including the Maximo Suite operator, Behavior Analytics Service, Suite Licensing Service, and MongoDB. In this part we will complete the install by deploying Maximo Manage to the Maximo Application Suite.

Register MongoDB with MAS

  1. Navigate to the initial set up for your cluster, which should be at https://admin.apps.[DOMAIN]/initialsetup and login with the super user credentials provided when you ran the MAS 8.5 installation script. If you do not have the credentials available, they can be retrieved from the [INSTANCE_ID]-credentials-superuser secret in the OKD console.

  2. From the Suite setup screen click the MongoDB tile to configure the MongoDB settings.

    Configure MongoDB

  3. Click the Configure button to configure the Suite MongoDB connection information.

    Create MongoDB Congifuration

  4. Enter the following information:

    • MongoDB system details enter the :

      • Hosts / Hostnames: Use the internal address of

      • port: 27017
        Then click the + Button as shown below.

        MongoDB Add Server

        Enter the following:

      • Hosts / Hostnames: Use the internal address of

      • port: 27017

        The enter the final server:

      • Hosts / Hostnames: Use the internal address of

      • port: 27017

        Once complete, it should look like the following:

        MongoDB All Servers

    • Auth DB: ibm-mas

    • MongoDB login account credentials

      • Username: admin
      • Password: Enter the password used when setting up the ibm-mas admin user.
    • Certificates: Under this section we will enter the CA created for the MongoDB.

      The Mongo ibm-mas CA can be obtained with the following command:

      oc get secret ibm-mas-mongo-tls -n mongodb -o json | jq '.data["ca.crt"]'| sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | base64 --decode

      Click the Add + link at the bottom of the details. For the first certificate enter a value of mongoca and then enter CA certificate that was retrieved in the previous section, for example:

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

      The CA can be obtained by running the following command:

      oc get secret ibm-sls-mongo-tls -n mongodb -o json | jq '.data["ca.crt"]'| sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | base64 --decode

      Then click the Confirm button.

      MongoDB Congifure Details

      Then click the Save button.

      MongoDB Congifure Save

  5. Once the configuration is saved you will be returned to the Suite configuration screen and a green check mark will now be on the MongoDB configuration tile.

    MongoDB Congifuration Complete

  6. Even though the configuration has saved successfully, the changes are still being deployed. You can confirm the configuration has been deployed with the following command, replacing [instanceId] with your MAS instance Id. It has completed when the status returns Ready.

    oc get MongoCfg -n mas-[instanceId]-core

Register BAS with Maximo Application Suite

Manual Configuration

  1. Navigate to the initial set up for your cluster, which should be at https://admin.apps.[DOMAIN]/initialsetup and login with the super user credentials provided when you ran the MAS 8.5 installation script. If you do not have the credentials available, they can be retrieved from the [INSTANCE_ID]-credentials-superuser secret in the OKD console.

  2. From the Suite setup screen click the Behavior Analytics Services (BAS) tile to configure the BAS settings.

    Configure Behavior Analytics Service

  3. Click the Configure button to configure the Suite BAS connection information.

    Configure Behavior Analytics Service Continued

  4. Enter the following information:

    • URL: the BAS service URL in the format of https://bas-endpoint-ibm-bas.apps.[DOMAIN]

    • API Key: The API Key generated in the previous step.

    • Email: Your email address.

    • First Name: Your first name.

    • Last Name: Your last name.

    • Certificates: Under this section there are two certificates that must be added to fulfill the letsencrypt certificate chain, the R3 and X1 certs. We are providing the R3 and X1 certificates here for convenience, but you can obtain them directly from Let's Encrypt here:

      Click the Add + link at the bottom of the details. For the first certificate enter a value of r3 and then enter the following certificate.

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

      Then click the Confirm button.

      Confirm Certificate R3

      Click the Add another + button to add the second certificate.

      Add Second Certificate

      For the second certificate enter the value of x1 and then enter the following certificate.

      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
      -----END CERTIFICATE-----

      Make sure to click the Confirm button to add the certificate, then click the Save button to save the configuration.

      Confirm Certificate X1

      The Suite setup screen will be displayed, now with the Behavior Analytics Services with a green check, indicating it has been configured.

      Behavior Analytics Services Configured

Scripted Configuration

The manual steps can be performed by running the following command.


You will be prompted for the following information:

  • The Behavior Analytics Service API Key
  • The Maximo Application Suite Instance Id
  • The OKD installation domain
  • The contact email address
  • The contact first name
  • The contact last name

The process to create the BasCfg CRD record will take a few minutes. You can verify that the configuration was successful by checking the Suite setup page and verifying that there is a green check next to the Behavior Analytics Service entry.

Register SLS with Maximo Application Suite

  1. Navigate to the initial set up for your cluster, which should be at https://admin.apps.[DOMAIN]/initialsetup and login with the super user credentials provided when you ran the MAS 8.5 installation script. If you do not have the credentials available, they can be retrieved from the [INSTANCE_ID]-credentials-superuser secret in the OKD console.

  2. From the Suite setup screen click the Suite Licensing Service (SLS) tile to configure the SLS settings.

    Configure Suite Licensing Service

  3. Click the Configure button to configure the Suite SLS connection information.

    Create SLS Configuration

  4. Enter the following information:

    • Suite Licensing Service URL: Use the internal address of
    • Registration Key: The registration key that was retrieved in the previous section.
    • Certificates: Under this section we will enter the CA created for the IBM SLS.

    Click the Add + link at the bottom of the details. For the certificate name enter a value of slsca and then enter CA certificate that was retrieved in the previous section, for example:

    In case you do not have the CA certificate, it can be retrieved with the following command:

    oc get secret sls-cert-ca -n ibm-sls -o json | jq '.data["ca.crt"]'| sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | base64 --decode
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----

    Then click the Confirm button.

    SLS Configure Details

    Then click the Save button.

    SLS Configure Save

  5. A dialog will appear as the configuration is performed. As it says in the message, it may take up to 5 minutes to complete the process.

    SLS Configure Progress

  6. Once the configuration is done you will be returned to the Suite configuration screen and a green check mark will now be on the Suite Licensing Service configuration tile.

    SLS Configuration Complete

Register App Points License Key File

To deploy Maximo Application Suite you must provide a valid license key file from the IBM License Key Center.

  1. Using a browser navigate to and log in with your IBM credentials.

    IBM Key Center Login

  2. Once logged in, you will be presented with a list of available keys, the IBM AppPoint Suites key is the one you need. Be aware that for many partners and customers this was not automatically added to the License Key Center, despite having a valid license agreement. If you do not see this key available, contact your IBM representative.

    IBM Key Center List

  3. Click on the IBM AppPoints Suites link and your available license key names will be displayed.

    IBM Key Center Entry

  4. Click on the link for your available license key, in this example IBM MAXIMO APPLICATION SUITE AppPOINT COMMITTED TERM LIC. The details of the license key will be displayed. Review the details and ensure you have a valid key, as in this example one of the keys is expired while the other is valid. Click the Next button to continue.

    IBM Key Center Details

  5. Return to the Maximo Application Suite initial setup, under the License Key section there are values for a Host ID, Hostname and Port.

    IBM Key Center Generate License

  6. Note these values and return to the License Key Center and then enter the values and then click the Generate button.

    IBM Key Center Generate License Part 2

  7. Click the Download License Key button to download the generated license.datfile.

    IBM Key Center Download

  8. Return to the Maximo Application Suite initial setup and either drag the license.dat onto the upload area or click the upload area and select the license file.

    Upload License Key

  9. The system will validate the license, which may take several minutes.

    Validate License Key

  10. Once the license file has been validated and processed it will display in the upload area.

    License Key Uploaded

Complete Configuration

  1. Under the Compliance enforcement header, select if you want to enforce license compliance. As this is a development environment we have selected to not enforce compliance.

    Enforce Compliance

  2. Under the Workspace header, enter a unique Workspace Id and Workspace display name. For this environment we have entered sharptree.


  3. Click the Finish button to complete the configuration.


  4. A screen that states Finish suite setup with a progress wheel will be displayed.

    Setup Complete

  5. After a few minutes a screen displaying that the deployment has been successful will be displayed. Follow the link to the Suite administration to complete the setup and deploy the Manage (traditional Maximo) application.

    Setup Complete Success

Initial Setup and Deploy Manage

After the previous section the Maximo Application Suite (MAS) is installed, but there are no applications from the catalog deployed, so it is not very useful. In the next steps we are going to deploy the Manage application, what was traditional Maximo to the suite.

  1. Navigate to the admin portal for MAS, which should be something like https://admin.apps.CLUSTER.DOMAIN, in our case, You can then login with the same credentials that were used during the initial setup phase.

    Deploy Manage Login

  2. While not strictly necessary, we are going to first create a personal account for future access so we are not using the initial credentials for future actions. Click the Create personal account button.

    Create Personal Account

  3. Enter the requested details. Since an SMTP configuration has not been completed and emails will not be sent, click the Enter manually link to enter a password rather than allowing one to be generated. Assign entitlements, as this is an administrative account, assign the Premium entitlement for both the Application and Administration options. Then click the Create button to create the new user.

    Enter Account Details

  4. From the left navigation bar select the Catalog menu item. The click the Manage catalog item to launch the Manage deployment.

    Select Catalog, Select Manage

  5. Details about the Manage application are displayed, review them and then click the Continue button.

    Manage Continue Deploy

  6. Further details about the deployment are displayed, accept the defaults and click the Subscribe to channel 8.x.

    Although the latest version is listed as 8.2.2 at the time of writing (May 09, 2022) version 8.3.1 is available and Manage will be upgraded to this version automatically as part of the deployment.

    Subscribe to 8.x Channel

  7. A brief dialog is displayed confirming that the deployment is starting.

    Confirming Deployment

  8. The deployment will progress to a detail screen with a tile showing that the Operator has been deployed with a green checkbox. This is only the first of many components that must be deployed, you will see in the top left corner that the Deploying wait circle is still processing. Be patient as this process can take several minutes.

    Deploy Started

  9. Next, the Application will be displayed as Running reconciliation. This is the process of the required OpenShift pods and other objects being deployed to support the Manage application.

    Deploy Application

  10. Another tile is displayed showing that another Application is Running, this is part of the continued deployment, wait as more components are deployed.

    Deploy Application Continued

  11. Eventually the deployment will complete and a green check mark will be displayed next to the Deployed message. Click the Activate button to continue with the deployment of Manage.

    Deploy Application Complete

  12. Next, a screen will request details about the Maximo database configuration. Click the Database tile to configure the database connection information.

    Deploy Database

  13. Click the Configure button to configure the database information.

    Deploy Database Configure

  14. Enter the database connection information. If using SSL for the enter the CA for the database SSL certificate. Once all the details have been entered, click the Save button tom complete the configuration.

    Deploy Database Details

  15. Click the Activate button to continue the Manage deployment.

    Deploy Manage Activate

  16. Click the Activate button again to confirm the deployment.

    Deploy Manage Activate Confirm

  17. The process will continue, with more tiles being added to the Manage details screen as more components are deployed. Note the status message of Activating in workspace which continues as the process progresses.

    Deploy Manage Activate in Workspace

  18. Once everything is complete you will see the following screen. Maximo Manage is now deployed and available.

    Deploy Manage Complete


You now have a working instance of Maximo Manage for MAS deployed and available. We hope that this series has been helpful and made the Maximo Application Suite more approachable and less mysterious. Once past the initial learning curve, the move to OpenShift and MAS simplifies the deployment and management of Maximo while also providing opportunities to take advantage of other available components like Monitor and Predict.

If you have questions or would like support deploying your own instance of MAS 8 Manage, please contact us at [email protected]

Change Log

2022/05/09Updated with Manage version 8.2.2 screenshot and version 8.3.1 upgrade note.

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